Topics to talk about in videos.


No Mercy For The Weak
Hello guys!
So, i am gonna keep it short.

I desperately need topics for my "Br00tal Talks" videos.
I'd be really happy if you helped me out and you will be credited in the topic you suggested to me!

If you wonder which topics i already covered, here is the list

  1. Girl Gamers
  2. Valentines Day
  3. Making Friends on Youtube
  4. Shaping Your Channel
  5. Pirating Games
  6. Youtuber Pet Peeves
  7. Facebook
  8. Twitter
  9. Editing Software
  10. Intros
  11. Partnering Networks
  12. Sub 4 Sub
  13. Ratings and Comments
  14. What Games to Play?
  15. Reddit
  16. Pets
  17. Subtweeting
  18. 4Chan
  19. The City i Live in
  20. Facecam
Hello guys!
So, i am gonna keep it short.

I desperately need topics for my "Br00tal Talks" videos.
I'd be really happy if you helped me out and you will be credited in the topic you suggested to me!

If you wonder which topics i already covered, here is the list

  1. Girl Gamers
  2. Valentines Day
  3. Making Friends on Youtube
  4. Shaping Your Channel
  5. Pirating Games
  6. Youtuber Pet Peeves
  7. Facebook
  8. Twitter
  9. Editing Software
  10. Intros
  11. Partnering Networks
  12. Sub 4 Sub
  13. Ratings and Comments
  14. What Games to Play?
  15. Reddit
  16. Pets
  17. Subtweeting
  18. 4Chan
  19. The City i Live in
  20. Facecam

hmmmmmm I'm not sure what kinda things you want, I will list some random ideas :)

1. Tattoos - how people are discriminated against who have them
2. Tattoos in general
3. Internet dating
4. Gangs hunting gay people in Russia
5. Top five favourite games and why
6. YouTube tips for beginners
7. Games you would not play again
Thanks guys!
Now i have one whole week with @CatsRants suggestions and 4 from the rest!
If you manage to suggest 7 topics each, your topics will placed in the same week ;)
Hello guys!
So, i am gonna keep it short.

I desperately need topics for my "Br00tal Talks" videos.
I'd be really happy if you helped me out and you will be credited in the topic you suggested to me!

If you wonder which topics i already covered, here is the list

  1. Girl Gamers
  2. Valentines Day
  3. Making Friends on Youtube
  4. Shaping Your Channel
  5. Pirating Games
  6. Youtuber Pet Peeves
  7. Facebook
  8. Twitter
  9. Editing Software
  10. Intros
  11. Partnering Networks
  12. Sub 4 Sub
  13. Ratings and Comments
  14. What Games to Play?
  15. Reddit
  16. Pets
  17. Subtweeting
  18. 4Chan
  19. The City i Live in
  20. Facecam
What would happen if youtube suddenly shut down