Top 5 video ideas


Active Member
Hey guys,
So in an effort to try out new things and bring original content to my channel I am thinking of doing some top 5 videos on YouTube related things/ funny stuff with clips and stuff. I was wondering if anyone had some good ideas for topics as I am at a bit of a loss. Cheers guys.
Try share stories based on past experienced that would genenrate humor on ones part, nothing eerie, morbid etc?
I may do that man and as for eerie or morbid I'm not to sure about that direction but it is a potential avenue
Meh, as long as it generates humor, you're fine.... Personally I like that type of stuff too.
I did a top emoji's video, and some other ideas I had were to do a top 5 snapchat filters, and why not your top 5 youtubers?