Tobuscus and Pewdiepie?

Pewdie asked on twitter a few weeks ago. Toby said he would but they havent made contact since, although pewdie has tried, but he didnt want to sound desperate :L Unless they have behind the scenes? I cant wait for the day they do make a video.
I hope they will do and I hope too that some people will stop saying that someone is copying the other. This is always a problem between Toby,Pewdiepie and Nova...
Could cause stupid fan's to say that they're just in each others videos to ride the other ones fame. Type of thing stupid fans make up :L
Both the Audience and the Bros have been unfair to Toby and PewDie. Mostly (what I have noticed) the bro army have been trolling on tobygames and saying that he has been copying pewdie. Since pewdie posted a few vids about it I think it has stopped which is good.