To script or not to script


Active Member
Hi guys,

I'm a gamer and I don't tend to do live commentaries, but instead edit the video down and commentate over the video. I have never scripted anything, but recently myself and a few others have noticed that i say 'and' quite a lot, presumably as a filler because I can't think of what to say next. I think that scripting commentaries can make you seem robotic in a way and I like to think that doing it unscripted makes me sound more exciting. I was wondering what your techniques are and if I am able to compromise between the two somehow.

When not scripting I do a run through or two aloud with my voice to prepare, it makes the video go smoother. The few times I have scripted it seemed to come off really well, so personally I can say that's worth it. Also a compromise between the two, do like podcasters do, make a list of your topics you will discuss and you can glance at them to keep you on track.
Well scripting usually works better for me because if I just go ad-live, I just end up rambling because there is a lot I have to remember . You have to train your self to not try and do actoring which is the act of over acting something you wrote down. It kinda like when you talk on the phone compare to talking to friends. It takes a lot of practice and most commentators do bullets or a full script they have just trained them selves to sound natural. When you record your voice with script see if you sound natural. If you sound not like yourself do it again. Keep doing it till a take sounds natural or edit the best of each take together. Really everyone has there own methods to get over it. One way I did it was talk to myself. Not in public of course but it works trust me get comfortable with talking to yourself then work on scripts or bullets. either way with or without a script you'll sound stupid with out practice. whether it is from rambling or unnatural speaking. It not a matter of script or no script but of speech.
I think it'd be best to write down a list of points that you want to cover, maybe with a few notes about each point and then just talk naturally about what you've written down. That way it's more natural but you still talk about what you want to say :)
If I don't script and just wing it I 'umm' and 'uhhh' way too much. Also, I agree that writing it out first helps you hit all of your points.
I guess you can just write down the basic ideas of what you intend to day without writing it completely down! :bounce:
Just have a few points written down and develop them through the commentary, that way it sounds more natural than reading from a script.