To merge, or not to merge?


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Hey YTTalkers. I would like to ask for your help. As of now, I have three channels. One of my main content, one for my gaming, and one for my vlogs. Do you think I should merge them all to my main content, and wait until I get a big fanbase, and start promoting my other channels? Or should I stuck with my current format? Thanks :)
best bet is to stick with your current format, too many different types of videos on one channel can cause people who don't like certain types to unsubscribe or not subscribe at all, best to keep them seperate as you'll probably end up with different fanbases for each one xD
I think yo should merge your main and vlog channels and keep your gaming one seperate.
^agreed. It's really hard to go through your videos if all niche's get mixed up. Best thing to do is put your other channels links on every video you upload, just like what VlogRays does.
  • I see. Thanks for your awesome opinions, guys! Anyone else would like to add?

EDIT: Here's my plan ... for now.

  • Merge my Secondary channel, which includes my One-Take vlogs, bloopers, and more, to my Main Channel, TheMarkSquared.
  • Keep my gaming channel :)