To Intro or Not to Intro


I've Got It
Hey guys! I'll be starting to upload tomorrow when Enemy Front comes out, and I just wanted to get some opinions on personal preference and whatnot when it comes to gaming channel having an intro. I know I'll definitely have an outro, but I've gotten some mixed opinions on whether to have an intro or not. I already have one made, if you'd want to watch it and see if it would be a good thing to have in the beginning of each video or not, it's the only video on my channel right now. Anyways, thanks in advance for any responses I get :D
EDIT: A lot of people are responding talking about 10, 20, 30 second long intros, which I know is not the right thing to do. By intro I meant a 2-3 second thing with my channel name on it.
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Hey guys! I'll be starting to upload tomorrow when Enemy Front comes out, and I just wanted to get some opinions on personal preference and whatnot when it comes to gaming channel having an intro. I know I'll definitely have an outro, but I've gotten some mixed opinions on whether to have an intro or not. I already have one made, if you'd want to watch it and see if it would be a good thing to have in the beginning of each video or not, it's the only video on my channel right now. Anyways, thanks in advance for any responses I get :D
Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of intros. I tried it for a few videos, but I didn't like it myself, personally, as I wanted the viewers to jump right into the content.
Sometimes an intro adds effect, but there's a possibility it could decrease the watch-time of your actual content (the stuff that is the most important for viewers to see).

If you do want to include an intro at the beginning of your videos, the length of which your intro currently is (the one that you have as your only video) is the perfect length, timewise. :)
I really do not care for those kinds of intros I feel it's just added time. If you're doing walkthroughs or guides and you want to appear reliable then have a nice pro looking intro.

If you're just going to do a letsplay then you want people to be there for your personality. I like to do what big youtubers like PewDiePie do and just greet the viewer, say your name, and state the game that you're playing. It's different every time even if you say the same thing! I think it pulls the viewer in because they get a taste of your personality from the start.

Generic intros even though they're highly edited with pumping music I really don't see the youtuber in it I just see a bunch a flash boom pow w/e...

With that being said I do like the intro you posted for what it is. I still don't care for it if you know what I mean :)
I just keep my intro to 5 seconds and it is my channel logo to remind the viewer who it is that they are watching. I am trying to get a more captivating intro but i am unsuccessful at the moment.
I am not a good example since i am very critic with video of games, I like to see the game itself, the less time i lost watching advertisements, introductions is better. But if the intro that consists with example of work that you are doing in your channel is very welcome, showing various games and series your are doing are pretty cool, but if is something like using after effects showing only the name of your channel in 3-D, i think dispensable.
Hey guys! I'll be starting to upload tomorrow when Enemy Front comes out, and I just wanted to get some opinions on personal preference and whatnot when it comes to gaming channel having an intro. I know I'll definitely have an outro, but I've gotten some mixed opinions on whether to have an intro or not. I already have one made, if you'd want to watch it and see if it would be a good thing to have in the beginning of each video or not, it's the only video on my channel right now. Anyways, thanks in advance for any responses I get :D
I say yes.. if you do make it short and simple less than 10sec.. check out mine see what i got...
I like being introduced to the content first so it would be like this:

Introduction to video > Intro clip > Content > End Card

I find that performs the best for many channels in various niches.

This way it allows you to get their attention within the first 5 seconds by letting them know what to expect, your chance to hook them. Once you have their attention a very short intro/branding clip will remind them of who/what they're watching and then they get straight to the content. I find it works well as long as the intro is short under 5 seconds and the shorter the better, anything lower than 1 second is a bit too short though.
As far as gaming videos go (which is what I assume you're making)... You really need an end card/outro, but I find myself leaning away from intros, unless they are 1-2 seconds long and no longer.