Active Member
Hi everyone
Today i will show you how to get more and more profits.
Not all networks shows 6 ad formats to check
Some of them not allowed (long ads with no skip)
The nice information is if you upload using phone you need to monetize the video manually by it
2. go to actions
3. Select more actions
4. Select usage policy
5. Select montize on all countries
Becouse if you go to actions and select montize it will not check on (not skippable ads) which very usefull couse all people now useing phones so desktop ads are not showing.
But i notice there is new google ads under channel name which is very good idea its show many times on my videos when i use youtube application and its not annoying viewers.
Ad breaks will give you X3 profits if you earn 3 dollars per day you will be earn 9$ per day
But big channels not using ad breaks becouse they make money of views they dont need more.
Ad breaks tribble your earning but i think alot of people will hate you becouse every minute "maybe" your video stop and advertising videos shows again and again on same video.
Ad breaks not allowed for videos less than 09:59 minute. So try to make long videos.
Ad breaks not active instantly you must upload your video on private and enable ad breaks and puplish it after 30 minute.
See attachment all ad formats on my channel with freedom network. They allowed all ad formats.
Today i will show you how to get more and more profits.
Not all networks shows 6 ad formats to check
Some of them not allowed (long ads with no skip)
The nice information is if you upload using phone you need to monetize the video manually by it
2. go to actions
3. Select more actions
4. Select usage policy
5. Select montize on all countries
Becouse if you go to actions and select montize it will not check on (not skippable ads) which very usefull couse all people now useing phones so desktop ads are not showing.
But i notice there is new google ads under channel name which is very good idea its show many times on my videos when i use youtube application and its not annoying viewers.
Ad breaks will give you X3 profits if you earn 3 dollars per day you will be earn 9$ per day
But big channels not using ad breaks becouse they make money of views they dont need more.
Ad breaks tribble your earning but i think alot of people will hate you becouse every minute "maybe" your video stop and advertising videos shows again and again on same video.
Ad breaks not allowed for videos less than 09:59 minute. So try to make long videos.
Ad breaks not active instantly you must upload your video on private and enable ad breaks and puplish it after 30 minute.
See attachment all ad formats on my channel with freedom network. They allowed all ad formats.