Titles That Convey What I'm Doing


The series of video's I'm starting is pretty simple. Tongue-in-cheek indie-game reviews that are clearly more comedy than actual gaming. But I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with titles that convey this. My current titles are just basically calling it a review, but that isn't what is going to draw people in. How do I make it clear the video is comedic without just explicitly saying so?
Pick a keyword or 2 that references a funny/comedic point in the video and add that to the video name. E.g. Two Vulgar Idiots Play GTA 5 - Part 8 - Sandals & Socks. I put "Sandals & Socks" in the title because it's a reference to a joke or 2 we make in the game about Lamar wearing sandals and socks lol but it also allows me to remember specific episodes in case I have to go back to look for a specific point in a video, it's much easier than remembering "part 1 or 2 or 3 et...". Or pick the main topic of the video if any.
The series of video's I'm starting is pretty simple. Tongue-in-cheek indie-game reviews that are clearly more comedy than actual gaming. But I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with titles that convey this. My current titles are just basically calling it a review, but that isn't what is going to draw people in. How do I make it clear the video is comedic without just explicitly saying so?

"Game title - A Parody Review" ?
A parody review might be a little literal, idk. Maybe pick up on an almost irelevent part of the came like in topgear , the UK version at least, where they have flying Ferrari's and go through jungles on a motorised unicycle but they say at the start like, in this episode a man wears a hat, Jeremy stubs his toe and Hammond looks left or whatever, maybe you could do a similar thing to generate a good title that will hint that the videos are going to be of a funny nature
A parody review might be a little literal, idk. Maybe pick up on an almost irelevent part of the came like in topgear , the UK version at least, where they have flying Ferrari's and go through jungles on a motorised unicycle but they say at the start like, in this episode a man wears a hat, Jeremy stubs his toe and Hammond looks left or whatever, maybe you could do a similar thing to generate a good title that will hint that the videos are going to be of a funny nature

Yeah, you're right, explicitly putting "parody" in the title is accurate but it kind of kills the joke. What is funny about a parody video is the realization it is a parody by watching it.

I think yours and @AndrewReviewYou's suggestions are better :up:
This is really tricky - especially since I sort of do the same thing, but in the Men's Lifestyle niche.

I just settled on titling after the subject of the video, and treating it legitimately. Some folks will understand the joke, and that you're in on that joke - though you may get people who click, don't get the joke, and either leave right away (killing your retention numbers) or feel like it's their GOD GIVEN DUTY to leave an angry comment trumpeting why you're wrong and stupid and why no one should ever like you.

More often than not, it's the latter - but that kind of interaction on your video is good for SEO!