Tired of gaming what should I talk about.

six cylinder

Keeping Yttalk safe since 1967 im the Vigilante
Gaming has boring me to death so I was wondering would I lose subs if i start talking about stuff that happened in real life or some advice videos? I was thinking of talking about some intresting stuff that happend to me you think I might lose subs if I do?
Possibly. Since you only have 17 subscribers anyways, it really just depends on them, although I'd say it's more likely than not that they'll end up unsubscribing or just not watching at all. If you really don't want to do gaming anymore, then just change the direction of your channel now while you're still small.
Talk about what YOU want to talk about. Not what you think will bring in subscribers.

There's a reason it's called YOUTube and it's so that people like YOU can properly express themselves the way they would like to and gain an audience from it.

Once YOU start posting what you think OTHERS want your videos are going to reflect on that.

They're not going to be as good and overall your channel isn't going to thrive.
if i start over i have no clue what type of channel to make. become a vlogeer??? I dont know what direction to go to I was thinking of making a music channel but I don't have a voice so I have no clue View them?what direction to go[DOUBLEPOST=1399222265,1399222231][/DOUBLEPOST]
Talk about what YOU want to talk about. Not what you think will bring in subscribers.

There's a reason it's called YOUTube and it's so that people like YOU can properly express themselves the way they would like to and gain an audience from it.

Once YOU start posting what you think OTHERS want your videos are going to reflect on that.

They're not going to be as good and overall your channel isn't going to thrive.
Yeah I know.
In a nutshell - youtube is growing and making yourself heard in the crowd is increasingly more and more difficult... Your best success will be down to doing something you are good at, something that you enjoy making shows and people will see that... instead of viewing something you only put half the effort into..
I was thinking of still doing gaming but, A racing channel I love racing games so I might do some reviews of new and old racing games. Should I make a new channel for it and make my current one for commentaires???