Tips on making a channel trailer needed


Gaming review`s fireshock moment
Hey there Fireshock here. I have been working on my first review for my channel for about 3 weeks god it`s for ever lol. Anyway I want to make a channel trailer to introduce new people to my new channel based video game reviews. Before I started it I just wanted to ask if anyone had any good advice to help introduce my channel to the many people of YouTube to give the best first impression possible. Thanks for any advice given :)
What iv heard is that when making a channel trailer the best thing to do is wait till you at least make a few videos and gain somewhere around 100 subs, because then you will have plenty of video footage to add to this trailer and have plenty of subscribers to support and maybe even spread the trailer.
I'm in the process of making my channel trailer. I'm thinking it shouldn't be too long. Under a minute. Just a brief introduction to newcomers about yourself & the type of videos you'll be uploading. Probably best to script it out too
If i was making a channel trailer I'd make a completely original 1 minute video talking about who I am and what this channel is for. But I am not against making a trailer with previous videos,
When I first created my channel, I made a trailer of my talking about me and my channel. It sucked, partly because I was still finding my way but mostly because it was lame. After I deleted it, I just used one of my favorite videos as the trailer--even though it is longer than a trailer should be. Just last week, I decided to make a short trailer of video clips. I like it but the jury is out while I wait to see view count and subs.