Tips for starting a new series

Gods of Odds

Loving YTtalk
We are trying to start a new lore series and we have gone very far but the further we get it's like the more we need to do, does anyone have any tips on starting new series? Preferably if you can then it would be better if you have done a series which requires a script for each episode, finding pictures and anything else.
We are trying to start a new lore series and we have gone very far but the further we get it's like the more we need to do, does anyone have any tips on starting new series? Preferably if you can then it would be better if you have done a series which requires a script for each episode, finding pictures and anything else.

I've moved your thread to the planning forum. :)
Do you mean a series in which one episode builds upon the events of the others, or a series where the episodes are pretty stand-alone? I do a series that is very stand-alone, so the scripts are quite easy to put together, as they're all based around one thing (how to have good self esteem), and have a cast of characters who appear frequently. Mostly, I brainstorm throughout the week and "script" (we never write anything out, just do a few improvisations together) with my partner before we film.