Thumbnails And Intro Pics

The thumbnail isn't measured by size, but by dimensions, which are 16X9. That means that for every 16 horizontal pixels (left and right), there should be 9 vertical pixels (up and down). YouTube will automatically resize it to make it fit, but if the dimensions are off, part of it might get cut off. You can easily work on dimensions in Microsoft Paint.
By size, I did mean dimensions. To me it is the same thing.
Thanks for your answer, I'm going to toss this puppy into gimp and get the size right where I want it.
Try 1280px x 720px you cant really go wrong with it for custom thumbnails. For your intro picture, if you render the video at 720p then 1280px x 720px is best, if you do full HD which is 1920 x 1080 use the same size canvas in GIMP. If you do 640 x 480 use that in GIMP and so on :)