Thumbnail Tips

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I was just wondering if someone has some good tips on making awesome Thumbnails for videos!!

I am on a MAC and use GIMP but I don't know how to use it that well so if anyone has other ways to make them feel free to let me know...

Also I was wanting to know a few easy tips to make my thumbnails a bit better!!

Cheers :)
Well Photoshop is definitely better than gimp, but it will work I guess. Try to make your text bigger and make it stand out more. 3D fonts, with bright colors is a must. You can make the appearance of 3D font if you don't have cinema 4d or another program of its kind by adding shadows and making multiple of the same text on top of each other. Also, try to make your thumbnails inviting. By this I mean have your face in the thumbnail or a cartoon of yourself. It makes people want to click it more.
Make it stand out from the rest is a pretty basic but needed tip.
If you're using text make it clear and readable! (text is not always required either but some kind of logo or something can help)

You don't need to have your face in it if you don't wish to but having some kind of subject in the foreground will help in people figuring out what your video is about an last but not least like my first tip make it stand out be unique, a thumbnail is a billboard for your video.
heres simple one: screenshot a good lookin frame from your video and slap some text on it (font must be big and readable)
make sure the thumbnail's 720p or more


(Yes, I made this... with C4D & Pixelmator, any program can do this.)
Try to make a single focus.

A see a ton of people making thumbnails that are excellent pieces of art, but are poor thumbnails.

If a thumbnail has too much going on, it will just look cluttered and hard to look at, even if it is some intricate piece of work from the heavens.
I am on a MAC and use GIMP but I don't know how to use it that well so if anyone has other ways to make them feel free to let me know...

I use Pixelmator, which is very decent for the money (would still love Photoshop though! :D) and it's not difficult to use. You can download a 30 day free trial on the Pixelmator website- I recommend checking it out ^^
heres simple one: screenshot a good lookin frame from your video and slap some text on it (font must be big and readable)
make sure the thumbnail's 720p or more


(Yes, I made this... with C4D & Pixelmator, any program can do this.)
Thanks! When I export my thumbnails they sometimes come out blurry so how can I fix that?
Thanks! When I export my thumbnails they sometimes come out blurry so how can I fix that?
make sure the screenshot of your thumbnail isn't so little... or check your settings (width 1280 x height 720 & revolution: 72).
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