Request Thumbnail for a series needed $$


YTtalk Mad
Hey all,
I have just made a new series for my GoPro tutorials. I need a custom thumbnail that i can edit to add in the series number (i.e episode 1 or #1) and also a place where i can add the title of the tutorial (Eg my first tutorial is "Timelapse Video"
I am willing to pay YTTALK cash if you would like.

Thanks in advance.
I've already designed my own for my tutorial series but if you think you can design one better feel free. I'll give you 25 yttalk cash just for designing it and 50 if its good and I use it?
Sure bro, what kind of thumbnail do you want me to design. Just tell me what you need and I'll get it done :)
Well I need a gopro in there and I need a space for the episode number and episode title. Do you use photoshop? Cause that way you can send me the .PSD file and I can edit the number and title for each individual episode. Other than that the coulour scheme is up to you, as long as it looks Catchy.
Thanks man that looks really good. I'll pay you the 50 cash as soon as I get access to my pc. Could you send me the PSD file?