Thumbnail Background

I make one template background for every video. Then I change the background color to fit that particular video. This makes each thumbnail seem unique without having to do too much work.
If it is a series don't change it you want some one to find episode 3 in the recommended section easier having the same general colors/layout.
I would have a small gradient for each background. Say you do a video on mine craft pvp I would say make the background red. If you were doing mine craft farming make the background green. Keeping the background color always the same o me shows that you don't put effort even though you might
It all depends on how you want to differentiate. If you even want to.

I'm creating my thumbnails in the exact same way. Round at the top and the rest just square. I also make sure there is at least one element sticking out beside the round part. Other than that I'm just winging it, but it gives a pretty unique and uniform feel.