Thumbnail advise

Hey guys!

So I've been receiving some great feedback lately (thanks for that btw), and I'm trying to improve on all the things I've been told about.

One of my problems tho, is my thumbnails. Most of the feedback said that my thumbnails wasnt good enough/didnt attract enough attention.

I'm not exactly sure as to what I can do different, which leads me to ask;

What can I do different about them? Is it the text or something else?
Your thumbnails need to show something that is specific about exactly that video. Currently they basically all look the same.
Hey man, we've talked on REDDIT before haha but your thumbnails do look VERY generic as in there is nothing special about them. Maybe try not to put faces in all of them or if you do, place them somewhere else on the thumbnail. Maybe even EDIT your face with things like weird eyes etc. Put something about the game into the thumbnail besides the title. Make it fun. Look at the bigger channels and you'll see the creativity that they do and take some of those ideas!
Show the cover of the game in the thumbnail. Maybe even a similar font from the game's box art.
Hey guys!

So I've been receiving some great feedback lately (thanks for that btw), and I'm trying to improve on all the things I've been told about.

One of my problems tho, is my thumbnails. Most of the feedback said that my thumbnails wasnt good enough/didnt attract enough attention.

I'm not exactly sure as to what I can do different, which leads me to ask;

What can I do different about them? Is it the text or something else?
Hej Christian

Mange af dine thumbnails ser ens ud du er nødt til at prøve at skabe noget variation mellem dem, brug nogle forskellige farver, tekst, bagrund, forskellige billeder af dig selv mv. Din profil er meget mørk og dyster ved ikke om det er meningen?

P.S. Jeg går selv og leger med en gaming kanal men kan ikke rigtig komme da jeg ikke får så mange views om dagen, hvilket er demotiverende, så indtil videre forholder jeg mig til den kanal jeg har nu, da det er den jeg har haft bedst erfaring og success med.

Håber du evt. kan give nogle gode råd og min feedback var brugbar? :)

Held og lykke

Hilsen Oliver
Thanks for all the feedback! Going to take a look and change some of the thumbnails once I get home from Berlin.

@ Oliver
I'll text you once I'm home again, perhaps we can learn something from each other :)