Throw your ideas at me


Sterious people making skits/ other random stuff
Randomness is the key, if possible something that is sort of trending or so, but whatever can inspire me will work :P
Thanks :D
Jumping on 1 leg with a pudding in 1 hand and a hammer in the other singing the Spongebog theme song reversed.
I know ! Putting a ice in your palm as long as you can ! :D I tried it and i cried lol
You should start an idea notebook. Hang upside down until all the book rushes to your head and then see what kind of non sensical things you can come up with...That or just drink alot. I think better after a bottle of vodka.
You should start an idea notebook. Hang upside down until all the book rushes to your head and then see what kind of non sensical things you can come up with...That or just drink alot. I think better after a bottle of vodka.

Ahaha best adivice ever! :P
Does anyone else have any wisdom to share? :D