Thoughts on Youtube's Video Campaign?

Aaron Maagma

YTtalk Mad
Hey Guys! I'm looking to promote my channel on youtube and I thought of trying out youtube's very own service on promoting videos... Any thoughts on Youtube's Video Campaign? Do you think it's a waste of money or will it work as we expect it to?
It works a lot, I means u will earn more views than subs!
Perhaps 50% of the viewers will sub!
Many youtubers have done this and they reached sub counts to 100,000 haha! surprisingly!
It works a lot, I means u will earn more views than subs!
Perhaps 50% of the viewers will sub!
Many youtubers have done this and they reached sub counts to 100,000 haha! surprisingly!
Do you have plans on trying it out maybe? :)

You should always start at a low budget, to see if it's working out for you. I'm guessing this is run through Adwords, right?

I guess, i have no clue what this is! :|
Very expensive, I would only really recommend it for large brands with 5+ figure budgets.

The CPM you have to pay tends to be around $40-$100 meaning you would get around 1,000-2,500 views for $100.
Hey Guys! I'm looking to promote my channel on youtube and I thought of trying out youtube's very own service on promoting videos... Any thoughts on Youtube's Video Campaign? Do you think it's a waste of money or will it work as we expect it to?

Let me know how it goes please!!!!