Thoughts on my channel trailer roboot?


I've Got It
Added a channel trailer about a month ago but it didn't seem to pique anyone's interest, so I looked at what might be able to be improved and came up with a newer version. Would like to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions... Does it need improvement?... Does it make you want to watch more?... Anything about it you like/dislike?

Hmmmm I would say to have cut ins with dialogue from your actual episodes so that some of the jokes rub off. Right now the narration just kind of feels like I'm watching one of those cable package ads that would play on channel zero when you turn on your cable box.

Don't mean to be rude or anything, just giving my two cents!
No worries, you didn't come off as rude at all. It's a good suggestion. I think I'll try it and see how it looks.

Thanks for your input Jake, I appreciate it!