This is why you will never make it on YouTube ...

I think there's a lot of truth to that but you shouldn't let that get you down. Lowest common denominator fare has always been profitable. Ron Howard's Grinch movie was the most profitable film of 2000. Nickelback has a career. The world's a twisted place.

That doesn't mean you can't "make it" on YouTube or anywhere else. But I think one needs to be honest about the size of the audience they are going to attract. Try not to compare yourself to the guy with 3 million subscribers who farts on crayons because that way lies madness.
That about covers it... and dont forget:

The thumbnail of a cutout of the youtube personality looking surprised at a still frame that does not hae much to do with the video itself. & the Clickbait title COMPANY 123 JUST BANNED THIS, SEE WHY??!? - and the video is about blue suade shoes or something.
but this is nothing new.

March 1970. Boston Massacre. 5 people died that day, but this paper made it sound like 100's and 100's of people died. Why? because it gets eyeballs. Back then they didn't call it click bait they called it yellow journalism. Here's the thing, sensational content has always gotten eyes and clicks, but I'm sure you like artist and creators that you consider to be "underground" or not "mainstream" or whatever. How did they make it? Study that. Learn from that. Do that. Stop focusing so much on people who you think aren't doing it the way you want to and study the people who did it the way you want to.

Also, sensational content is everywhere, but not every sensational content creator is successful. To me that means the successful sensational content creators still have to be doing something better than their peers. There are many really attractive women playing video games. If looks were everything they would be the top viewed gamer... but Pewdiepie is still number 1 on YT. Why? I realize you might also hate Pewdiepie (which to me is Youtube Treason) but still i think you can transfer this idea to different topics. Like music, lots of pop simple music is hitting number 1... but Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody is still seen as one of the best songs of all time (though i personally don't get it). Lots of cheap (subjective) art that get's lots of clicks... but Salvator Mundi By Leonardo Da Vinci is still the most expensive piece (again i don't get it why).

With all that said... that is how I feel about pro sports... I don't fully understand why people prefer that over math for example. But... i can't pretend like pro sports aren't doing something right, even if i think it's worthless.

Those are my thoughts.

March 1970. Boston Massacre.

Yellow Journalism

You're not wrong- there's proof of this fact all over the online (and offline) world. But, the only person you can control is yourself. Focus on what you're doing and not on what other people are doing and you'll be much better off.