This is my first youtube video

Welcome to our forum. How are you? What's your favorite color? Where are you from?
How about you tell us more about yourself. Introduce yourself instead of posting your video and vanishing.
Yttalk is a community not a view factory. If you join the community people will help you and review but not if you just ask for views.
Hope you will stay a while. We're friendly (for the most part). Check out our user guide here -->
Otherwise I can almost guarantee no one on this forum will just watch the view just because you asked on your first post.
Welcome to the forum, you can put channel link under name(age) as seen under mine to the LEFT of this msg - read my signature on HOW TO below this msg.
Otherwise I can almost guarantee no one on this forum will just watch the view just because you asked on your first post
yep, I'm not watching, but liking the thumbnail design :up2: