This advetising thing...

James Doppler

Sir Trollingsworth the 7th
The channel ad under "branding" in the control panel where you might get free advertising. Can it have cursing in it? I specifically tried not to for this purpose, but "s****y" slipped in there. Will this disqualify it? I don't want to bleep it out because I hate censorship. I'm one of those that thinks words are words and if they want to drop f-bombs on Cartoon Network at 12PM they should be allowed to on the basis of free speech.
I'd sensor it, but as a show of respect for the potential viewer as opposed to anything else. If you are cool with the swearing, that's fine. But it's different when people click on your video as opposed to when it plays as an ad. My opinion anyways
I'd sensor it, but as a show of respect for the potential viewer as opposed to anything else. If you are cool with the swearing, that's fine. But it's different when people click on your video as opposed to when it plays as an ad. My opinion anyways
They'll hear much worse on the channel. I don't want to create the illusion that I'm gonna censor everything. I really don't want to go back and edit the video, but if I have to, I'll re-upload as unlisted and use it for the branding thing.
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