Thinking of trying Adobe Premiere...


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Hey, there!

It was my first week back at college this week, and I found out that the student book store is having a HUGE sale on Adobe products like Photoshop, Premiere, and Afterafters.

I currently use Sony HD Movie Studio (a watered down version of Sony Vegas), and was wondering if buying Adobe Premiere would be a smart investment. I know some of my favorite Youtubers use it....Strawburry17 and Nanalew both use it, I believe...and was wondering if any other people here used it and how they like it.

So. Here are some questions...

Is it easy to use?
Was it worth the investment?
Has the quality of your videos changed since using Adobe Premiere?

Some background on myself: At the moment, I'm really interested in making vlogs...but eventually I'd like to expand my endeavors and make more artistic videos.

Any help would be appreciated!

I have never used premiere but you'll have more capabilities to with video editing. There are thousands of tutorials so i'm pretty sure whatever you need to learn you can find a tutorial for free. Plus adobe programs are what the professionals use. But the really the way you edit and record all depends upon yourself.
I found Premiere really hard to work/get use to and never got easy at it. I use Sony Vegas Pro 11.0 now and it's sooo great for professional edits. I would suggest sticking with Sony HD Movie Studio or upgrade to Sony Vegas Pro 11.

But I'm sure some people who use premiere will suggest it for whatever reasons :)
Well, from my personal experience Premiere is rather laggy on Mac, and I do have 2011 17inch MBP so no problems with processing power. If I were you, I'd stick with Sony products and even upgrade to full Sony Vegas - it is rather easy to figure out as opposed to Premiere and I have never had any issues with it. Works like a charm on a number of rigs I have tested it with - Alienware 11xR2, Mac with Windows installed, 6 years old HP Elitebook with CoreDuo Extreme and my new PC that I have stolen from NASA. :D
The latest version of Premiere Pro (that's CS6) is awesome, and I mean AWESOME!! Many professional editors are leaving Final Cut Pro 7 for what it is and changing to PP CS6. Premiere Pro renders really fast and the new features are great. I can only say go for it if you have the chance. I'm prejudiced though. I've been using Premier Pro for 6 years now, starting with the CS3 version but I totally love it.
Remember however that it is professional editing software so it's not that easy to get in to I guess. (I can't remember ever finding it difficult though).
I use Premiere Pro CS6 and it's the first pro level video editing program that I have every used. I love it. I just started with it a few months ago and I find it really easy to use. Like JostenVlogs said, there are tons of tutorials out there, so even if you can't figure it out, the answer is just a Google search away.
Adobe Premiere is the industry standard if you don't have a Mac. So yeah it's good software. You'll find that its no where near as easy to use as Sony Vegas, but just like anything, you can learn. I've never used HD studio, so I'm not sure what it can do. If Vegas is an upgrade to it, I would try that out first. I love Sony Vegas. In general though, I found Adobe Premiere to be less intuitive and I'm always having to look stuff up. Which is fine I guess, but I didn't have as much of a problem with Vegas. I also make vlogs, but Sony Vegas literally can do everything I need right now, so I see no reason to change.
I use Premiere and I taught myself how to use it without the manuel. It is very easy to learn and very effective for editing. I love using it and highly recommend it.