Thinking Of Getting An Elgato HD, Any Advice?

Do research on the one you want. Prior to buying something that captures video I always look up quality tests on YouTube to make sure it's up to par with my expectations.

Does anybody remember that one 12 y/o that was crying because his parents wouldn't buy him an Elgato? :roflmao2:
Do not get the hauppaugue it is awful. Ever since I got it has been nothing but trouble, so I am thinking of switching too.
Honestly I bought an Elgato like a month ago and could not be happier. I watched plenty of video reviews, read forums and it is the obvious choice of capture card until something comes out better. A little more expensive than the others but it is smaller, needs very few wires, and not to mention a monkey could record HD content because the software is so user friendly.

Check out one of my video's, they all have been recorder with my Elgato. Cheers!
I too have been thinking about getting an Elgato. I've been hearing a lot of good things about it so I'm probably going to try to get one of those in the future.