Think long and hard about your channel name when creating it.


Well-Known Member
When I started posting videos back in 2009 I didn't think about my future endeavors. Filmmaking turned from a hobby into a passion and later a career. Recently I had to create a new channel and lose what I had built over 6 years. Now I didn't have thousands of subscribers or anything but it does suck to have to transition. So just think about your name. Is it childish? Is that okay? Some of the biggest youtubers have childish names; Seannaners for instance. That seems to be okay for YouTube gamers but for filmmakers I would highly suggest starting out with your name only. That would be my suggestion. :)
I think that none of it really matters as long as you don't have random numbers in it. AND it can be pronounced.
For instance don't do: doloyimpdis678
I made my YouTube channel in 2008 and just used my name and part of my last name and how old I was. I was not vlogging back then I kind of wish it was a different name.
I don't know about the numbers thing.. Zoella8675309 or whatever the numbers are at the end of her channel name seemed to make it just fine with her millions of subscribers.. ^^ I picked the nickname I had as a kid (Katydid) and stuck violin in there, too, since that's what the channel's about... Not sure if I 100% like it, but it's easy enough for me to remember so that I can still login after I wipe out my cookies! lol : D
I think that none of it really matters as long as you don't have random numbers in it.
my name is what I called my chao from Sonic adventure 2. It's stuck with me, and its one word so I don't think its that bad :D
I thought of my channel as a brand and purposely removed myself from it. My thinking was people would probably more easily remember "more gear than talent" than "gear reviews by ed who's not that awesome a guitar player".