Think I am done with playthroughs. Time to move on to other projects.

Noir Proxy

I've Got It
I have been creating content for my channel daily for two years now. For a while I was enjoying it but over time I think I have become bitter. The over saturation of gaming channels is becoming so intense that to be honest many of others will never have a chance to share their experiences and opinions with these games to potential viewers.

It is kind of annoying to be honest knowing that my channel has the word Playthrough in it but I think I am ultimately done playing and recording an entire game. People seem to love and support my reviews a lot more and I think the need for more unique content is starting to be the main goal for many Youtubers.

We have our LP channels and even though most of them might be pants we still have to respect their place in our content creator world.

What does everyone else think of the age of LPs? Do you think it is at its boiling point? All I know is I can't sacrifice anymore of my time doing full ones when I could be doing better things. Has anyone else done this?
I very recently started Let's Playing, and I started knowing full well that my channel is just another one out of the other Millions already doing it, but I really just don't care. It's something I want to do so i'm doing it, ya' know? Eventually I will probably get bored of doing the same thing and not growing my channel past a certain point, but until that time comes, i'm just gonna keep enjoying what i'm doing. I do think it's a good idea to move on to unique content that takes more time than an episode of a Let's Play, because most of the times, Reviews and Shows are more interesting. Just do what is more fun for you I guess.
Yep. I'm trying to leave full length playthroughs unless it's for games I absolutely can't resist doing a Let's Play of or unless it's done with a friend who's equally comitted. It requires too much long term commitment that effects other projects I want to work on, primarilly projects that are more accessible like highlights videos, 1 off LPs, reviews, previews etc... I might be going back to doing reviews & more previews after I finish off some of the main LPs I got now, but I also like playing 1 off little games that last maybe 15-30mins no longer. If I do let's play a game, I'd rather it be a game that is able ot be finished in less than 3hrs, i.e. Brothers a tale of two sons and Left Behind, anything longer is too much commitment, I thought The last Tinker would be fine since it was only a 6hr game, but typical me I had to have 3 other main LPs running at the sametime xD. I'll start doing full Let's Plays if the channel grows to a point where people want it. But I know my supporters enjoy even the short videos I make so I'll keep to that and I enjoy making highlights videos more. Being more accessible is the way to go, let's plays require having to watch from part 1 onwards to understand it, which is why it reduces the chances or more potential viewers.
I never enjoyed Let's Playing to be completely honest. I tried. Which is the most I can say for it, though I would much rather review a game than Let's Play it.

I feel like reviewing games works better for me, because I can express my opinion on video game titles in about 13 mins or less, and still have that interaction with people.

It just takes more effort. I like it a quite a bit more.

Also, Hai! :D Remember me? Moderator on the Yeousch Community Forums before it died? =^-^=
I never enjoyed Let's Playing to be completely honest. I tried. Which is the most I can say for it, though I would much rather review a game than Let's Play it.

I feel like reviewing games works better for me, because I can express my opinion on video game titles in about 13 mins or less, and still have that interaction with people.

It just takes more effort. I like it a quite a bit more.

Also, Hai! :D Remember me? Moderator on the Yeousch Community Forums before it died? =^-^=

Probably. What was your alias on Yeousch? :)
People's attention span is getting lower and lower each year =[ I doubt many people want to watch around 10minutes of videos anymore, which I am guessing is the normal time for LP videos.
LP will still be around for some time, the problem is so many people are doing them now its easy for stuff to get lost in a sea of crap.
I still do them because they are fun to me, but I try to do other things gaming related.
There is more to YouTube Gaming than just LP's. A lot of people seemed to have forgotten about Gaming News, Fun-Thru's, Competitive Gaming, Drama and Gossip, Tips and Tricks/Glitches and Cheats, Commentary, Discussion and Debate, Machinima, Trolling, Livestreaming, Parodies and Spoofs, Game Reviews and Mod Showcasing and so on and so forth and just gone with doing whats popular for views or "DAT-YOUTUBE-MONAY!!!".

I can understand if people do LP's because other YouTube Gamers have inspired them to do so but by predicating your channel and what you post by what is popular won't help you in the long run anymore. Post what you want because you like it, have fun doing it or have a genuine interest in those things. People respond to that as well. I personally have no interest in LP's at all. I don't do em nor do I watch em.