Things To Commentate About


^^^^^^That's me^^^^^^
I'm struggling, Well kind of. I need help finding out what my FIRST commentary should be. My Ideas so far are:
1 Douchebags and Fights
2 Suicide and depression
3 My Favorite movies
4 My Favorite YouTubers
5 My thoughts on swear words

What do you guys think? Are any of these good for a FIRST commentary? Could you give me some ideas of what to commentate, just to get me started?
Its up to you, really. Do you want your commentaries to be more series, more lighthearted, or a mix?
Like me, I personally want to get a mix, and I was thinking of doing your second option, but it's so hard to talk about. If you feel like you could effectively communicate about one thing, go ahead.
I also find something that I really am passionate about is very easy to talk about. I personally suggest starting with a lighter, easier topic, just to get into the flow of things.
Its up to you, really. Do you want your commentaries to be more series, more lighthearted, or a mix?
Like me, I personally want to get a mix, and I was thinking of doing your second option, but it's so hard to talk about. If you feel like you could effectively communicate about one thing, go ahead.
I also find something that I really am passionate about is very easy to talk about. I personally suggest starting with a lighter, easier topic, just to get into the flow of things.
Well I think #2 is a bit too intense for the first commentary.
I think 3 or 4 can be a great idea.
i agree with all of you thats why im asking[DOUBLEPOST=1367291817,1367290240][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyone???
I think swear words is a good topic. I have mixed feelings about swear words, but I do use them on lighthearted occasions.