Things That p**s Off Online Gamers


Super Poster
I'm working on a new vlog for my channel revolving around this concept but I need more ideas. From experience, what do you do (or do others do to you) while playing an online game that you hate? Also, what kinds of gamers do you hate seeing online?

Thanks in advance & I will definitely give you credit if I use your idea!
When something annoys me it's usually down the the specifics of the game. I'll not go into the jargon on how Assassin's Creed Multiplayer works for those really into it, but a lot of ways of playing are considered taboo. If you sprint around for example. That would p**s a lot of hardcore players off.

Edit: People with mics who only rage/play music over them. A mic is for talking, not for screaming down or playing distorted music :/
League of legends:
"omfg noob report for *insert stupid reason like "ks" here*"
People writing "jajajajja" and "xaxaxxaxa" instead of "hahahah" on English speaking servers.

Final Fantasy XIV:
Gold spammers

World of Warcraft:
When saying "Please let tank do the pulling", then dps answers with "Omg do it then. so slow omg"
1.) Hackers
2.) Girly gamers who only game for attention. This includes those girls that have low cut shirts in their thumbnails and stuff.
3.) Squeakers
4.) People who b***h about the rules.
5.) People who make rules that make no sense.
6.) Aboosive staff.
People who don't stfu and talk random crap 24/7, they're sooooo randdoooom XDDDDD
For me it's in garrys mod most specifically, Prop pushing/ killing I do it just to p**s people off because sandbox is really pointless, but something that annoys me is children who sound like they shouldn't be on a game (mostly COD as they are 11 years old) and people who mic spam and people who you "u mad bro?" just because they kill you :L[DOUBLEPOST=1379003827,1379003808][/DOUBLEPOST]But anyway sounds like a good series :D
No offense to spanish guys, but when I was playing MapleStory Europe before, at night there would always come these spanish people on that was convinced that everyone could understand spanish, and they were KS'ing everyone ._.

Btw, this video is really awesome. I remembered it when talking about this ^^