Aman Ailani
Loving YTtalk
Hey guys! I did one last week and this week is part 2!
Help me out with some ideas
Help me out with some ideas

When someone draws a 8==D on your books.
When someone asks you "Can I borrow your pen/pencil/ruler etc" but then sucks on it, breaks it or doesn't give it back.
When the teacher is boring so you draw a picture at the back page of your book or play with your phone looking at Facebook. lol
Banging on the desk with your hands or pens to make cool drumming sounds.
That one person that keeps sniffing and doesn't blow his/her nose.
When someone farts.
That one person that can't stfu or doesn't talk because he/she is shy.
There's always a bully in a class
When you know someone is checking out the hot teacher when she's bending over. LOL I'm sure we all had that one teacher (or 2 hehe).
lol so yeah...