Things I think about...

Brent Blogs

Blogger, vlogger, comedian, & ranter.
My newest video has been uploaded to YouTube...

It's being described by fellow YouTuber pawtaytoe as "best video yet in my opinion".

If you agree, please give it a like, share it with your friends, etc.

If you disagree, please tell me why... or just stop taking life so seriously. :-)
Damn that is some funny stuff. My wife laughed her butt off too. Good job.

Aww... thanks! Like, comment, share & subscribe! (I guess everyone on YTtalk knows the shameless self-promotion bit, don't they? Probably no need to type it out...) Hahaha...
Great question.

Did you notice my channel name? BrentBlogsDotCom... This YouTube channel is based off my blog at the obvious corresponding domain name.

Thanks for subscribing!