Services TheGhostOperation's Twitch Youtube Art


Active Member
I do pretty much everything from stream overlays to waiting screens to backgrounds on twitch/youtube and YT One art :)
So Here's the deal i will do pretty much anygame for this
Overlay's/Waiting screens=$2 or A steam gift etc
Backgrounds $3
Youtube one $1

Or offer something of good value and i shall accept!
(Charity channel's/Streamers =Free)

Some work at this time <IN PROGRESS>dopne.pngYotab.pngyotab2.png
Well I play mmos mainly well that's what I plan to stream. Wow is my main mmo. Do you HTML for the about me info?
I don't do it myself however i can set you up with one :) and sure dude email me: specify colour theme your twitter/youtube for me to include if you want and any particular game theme :) i will send you shots as i progress on the design and you can tweak anything you want
Just to let you know guys its first come first serve in that order i do work fast[DOUBLEPOST=1365949987,1365906069][/DOUBLEPOST]thumbnails $1 for 5[DOUBLEPOST=1365974211][/DOUBLEPOST]Few spaces open still