The power rangers would be rolling in their grave!


Active Member
So I think we've have all noticed a steady decline in childrens TV shows over the years and the other day I was sat forced to watch an episode of the new pokemon and needless to say I was not happy, it was soooo bad and me for one will not stand for it so I've created a little video detailing my hate for current TV. Join my army of vengence brothers and sisters and bring this corrupt system down!
Avatar was the last good kids cartoon i seen. Pokemon sucked after the pokemon mewto movie (the movie was awesome though)
In Pokemon's Defense, it has kept a very clear "only for kids" view. Unlike shows like Dexter's Laboratory, Avatar, Adventure Time, Etc., which try to include jokes older people would get, but kids would still find funny (thus making for a much more well written, overall better show), Pokemon has never tried doing this. In fact, the original show has not aged nearly as well as other cartoons of the 90s. Taking Nostalgia out, it's "meh," at best, in my opinion.

That being said, new kids shows that are good are few and far between these days. I would say Adventure Time and The Regular Show are both very good, as is "The Looney Toon Show," (The New Show) which is surprisingly good.