The person under you will controll you destiny (video ideas)


Loving YTtalk
Just an idea!
The next person that will respond to this thread has to dare me to do something, for instance the cinnamon challenge. (wich i have to record and putt out) And so on.
The person under you will controll you destiny, and will decide what you will have to do and record!

It is that its not aloud to dare another other person in to something dangerous!

GLHF n00bs, i will come up with something mest up for one of you sorry bastards. MOAHAHAHHA
Jump of a a cliff :P you can't back down now![DOUBLEPOST=1369170832,1369170813][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh right not dangerous.........[DOUBLEPOST=1369170873][/DOUBLEPOST]Do an onion challenge, how fast it takes to eat a raw onion whole:!
Haha, I've done the cinnamon challenge, there are far worse lol. My favorite was the vinegar and baking soda challenge with marshmallows, gum, crackers and cinnamon. That someone forgot to record and will NEVER happen again lol