Matthew Still
I've been thinking a lot on the path I want to take my channel down! If you know or don't know my channel it's basically gaming so far (playthroughs, funny moments etc). I've decided to make other kinds of content alongside gaming! I still want to continue with my current style of videos but I want to include videos like vlogs and things like that so I can appeal to more than one community!
I'd like to know your opinion on this! Is it a good idea to you or not? I'd also like to know when it comes to playthroughs do you prefer uncut pure gameplay or do you prefer jumpcuts every now and then?
Your views and opinions on all this would be much appreciated! Thank you for your time! I know it's very precious and I'm greatful for everyone of you who reads this
I'd like to know your opinion on this! Is it a good idea to you or not? I'd also like to know when it comes to playthroughs do you prefer uncut pure gameplay or do you prefer jumpcuts every now and then?
Your views and opinions on all this would be much appreciated! Thank you for your time! I know it's very precious and I'm greatful for everyone of you who reads this