The mistery of vlogging.

Guys, I'm going to do my first vlog, but I have some doubts. In my channel I make a sort of sit-com with a character I invented, do you think it would be interesting a vlog in which I talk about how I got the idea, and about what I would like to do in the future episodes? I would like to keep a production diary. People might like something like this, or would be better to make vlogs about random stuff as many YouTubers do?
Guys, I'm going to do my first vlog, but I have some doubts. In my channel I make a sort of sit-com with a character I invented, do you think it would be interesting a vlog in which I talk about how I got the idea, and about what I would like to do in the future episodes? I would like to keep a production diary. People might like something like this, or would be better to make vlogs about random stuff as many YouTubers do?

I think it would be interesting to talk about your character!! :D
Guys, I'm going to do my first vlog, but I have some doubts. In my channel I make a sort of sit-com with a character I invented, do you think it would be interesting a vlog in which I talk about how I got the idea, and about what I would like to do in the future episodes? I would like to keep a production diary. People might like something like this, or would be better to make vlogs about random stuff as many YouTubers do?

Why not stay in character, and have your character "vlog". Turn it into something fun, and different. I was once going to do vlogs that were in the day and life of a superhero. Just me vlogging, though doing random things like walking through walls, using my powers to fetch me a soda, open my car door, fly. It'd be very vfx heavy, but something different. :p
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I would continue with the sitcom idea - individuality is always good as it helps you stand out and gives you a more unique selling point.

I would also recommend that you do the vlogging idea about the sitcom since I would find the "making-of" side of things more interesting.