The K.I.S.S Rule


I've Got It
I'm not sure if any of you have heard of it or not, but I find the K.I.S.S rule very important in YouTube.

"Keep it short(simple) stupid!"

The longer your video, the less likely people will be to click on it, or watch it all the way through and share it, like it, or check out other videos. So, if you can make a 5 minute vlog, 3 minutes, do it.
That is true, it would have to be hilarious to be shared if it is too long. Or you would just have to have a really great advertiser sometimes. I actually got a 9 minute video shared quite a bit just because it had my friend in it that is really good at advertising stuff to people and promoting. Mainly, short and simple is best though.
That's good advice. I feel like my eps really sing when they're between 3-5 minutes long. Just get in and get out. I use my blog now if I have anything else to share/add on a topic.
It depends.
I often find it very enjoyable watching 20-40min episodes of a gaming series if I enjoy the people playing.
I learned this the hard way, a lot of my earlier videos were much longer but until you're an established YouTuber, shorter is definitely better so I try and make all my videos shorter than four minutes.