Gaming The Gaming Survey | ANYONE PLEASE


I've Got It
It's 3:30 in the morning and i've had an idea!

Hi my name is Jack and I have an idea for a series of videos where I ask people certain questions about gaming and their games and gaming experiences... But I want to make to fun and lively and we can have a real conversation as appose to me just reading questions and the other person giving answers. Idk

If any of ya'll are interested or want to give me some ideas on how to run this thing hit my upon in the comments below! Thanks


I may also make a tech version of this as well
Hey, I'd love to do this! If you're still looking for peeps holla. I also have a friend who runs a gaming channel, I can most def ask him as well
I am also interested in this! If you are still interested in this just message me on YouTube or reply to me on this thread! Thank you for your time!