The frustrations with disputes (back to square one).

Uncivilized Elk

I Love YTtalk
Got a copyright strike removed and my video was "restored" after submitting a DMCA counter-notification.
The video is restored into being blocked worldwide by the same "copyright holder" as the first time, the very thing I was sending disputes against before.
So after 2 months of disputes I'm back to square one, and if my channel was actually making more than pennies I would have lost a ton of money during the 1 month of the video being in Content ID review and the monetization being disabled.

I'm tired and frustrated of this BS, so since my account is cleared I'm just going to take the video down, edit the 1 minute that matched Content ID, and re-upload it. So long views/comments on that video.

I do have another video, however, that was released before a film released that matched Content ID and has still been stuck there for 25 days now. I'm afraid this very same procedure is going to happen to this video, except that I really do not want to remove it at this point and lose all its stats, as well as make it so the date the video was uploaded makes no sense in regards to the content of the video. That would utterly suck.

The lesson here is that if Content ID hits your video, if it's a relatively short chunk and you can edit it, take your video down, edit it, and re-upload it. Because it saves so much trouble in the long run than having to go through the BS that is the YT disputing system, and then likely ending up back at the start and having to crawl through the entire dispute procedure AGAIN.