THE FIRST GAME I EVER OWNED - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Let's Play

that is probably the best decision i have seen for a channel! what an AMAZING game! imma finish what i'm doing and then i i will go ahead and watch your video :)
Hope you enjoy it. There's a lot of nostalgia in it whether playing or watching for anyone who played the originals.
Where are you from? NZ or AUS? You sound like one of the commentators in some of the Southern Hemisphere Rugby I watch.

Loved Crash Bandicoot, it was pretty much my childhood. Watched your video but only watched the first 10 because I want to experience the trilogy for myself.

I enjoyed your video and commentary, you have a quality mic which is a bonus. Only thing I would say is for a bit more commentary, some portions of silence where I feel you could have filled ins with some dialogue.

Overall, quality video keep at it because you are "watchable".
Where are you from? NZ or AUS? You sound like one of the commentators in some of the Southern Hemisphere Rugby I watch.

Loved Crash Bandicoot, it was pretty much my childhood. Watched your video but only watched the first 10 because I want to experience the trilogy for myself.

Overall, quality video keep at it because you are "watchable".
Australia although I've been told at times my accent isn't really Australian xD also thanks for watching & your feedback. Despite the frustration, I'd highly recommend trying it, just be ready to rage quit or break your controller. I actually twisted mine & it popped a bit... I have never damaged any of my consoles/controllers like that before.

some portions of silence where I feel you could have filled ins with some dialogue.
Not for Crash Bandicoot lol you take your mind off it & you're dead. They made it harder than the originals with the tweaks they made so there's a lot of situations where I need to go silent but I've started removing some of those. I keep some of them in though because I like to have a good balance of gameplay & commentary but I'm always experimenting. Ironically; I've had to condition myself to keep quite if I have nothing interesting to say.