The Christmas "Bump".

I dunno about a bump, but this was my 4th Christmas just gone and it was the first that wasnt an out and out "Slump". Seriously; December and January for the first 3 years I've been doing what I do have been the absolute worst. in the best case scenario I only lose a few views. the absolute worst was my 2nd year on the platform where I dropped to half the viewers.

This year? I did a bit better than expected. Nowhere near double views. but this was the first year where I actually had people watching my Christmas specific content. Both the newly uploaded and revisiting the older ones. over the last 3 days I had a massive spike in views thats now slumped off to below my average.

This was also the first year I conciously chose to take a break from uploading in January to work on my show...So far I can say that tactics paid off!