The Brainstorming Thread!


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It's a challenge many of us YouTubers commonly face- getting video ideas. That's why I made this thread, so we can all work together and throw around some ideas for people to, hopefully, pick up and make an amazing video out of it. Feel free to share any ideas you have, as little or big as they may be, or deviate from other people's ideas. The goal here is to get your creative juices flowing, so any and all input will help. We are brainstorming, after all!

I'll share a couple of ideas to get us started. Feel free to use these ideas, no need to give credit (though it'd be much appreciated), just post a link to your video on this thread 'cause I wanna see it! ;)

1. A guy has to write a script for school/a YouTube video. He sits in front of his laptop with a blank word document because no ideas are coming to him. Then, he falls asleep and dreams about wacky things like fighting ninjas/saving princesses/going on adventures, etc. When he wakes up, he sees his laptop and, reliving his dreams, writes his script about it.

2. Try to recreate that little song from the KitKat commercials (Where the people opening the wrapper and taking a bite make a catchy beat) to see if those commercials really do accurately portray those sounds.

Having fun throwing ideas around to see what sticks. Happy YouTubing!
i like your 1. idea there though i'd think it be weird and mysterious if when he/she woke up that they'd see that some how there script has been writin up on there blank document from before
a video (comedy) about someone is told they only have 1 day left to live, so they go and do alot of bad things and wreck the town and is being chased by the police, but then it turned out the information was directed at someone else and not the person who goes and wrecks the place, sooo overall they thought that they can't be arrested when they are dead so go do crazy stuff, then yeah, you get the idea :P