The big question


Active Member
Well I've actually got a few..
1.) PC or Mac?
2.) iMac or Macbook?
3.) What's the best PC editing software?
4.) What's the best Apple editing software?

Thanks :)
Well I've actually got a few..
1.) fav color?
2.) Do you like Pasta?
3.) Is this planet called klaxk?
4.) Would you mind if I give you $1000?

Thanks :)
1) My fav color is red
2) Yes I like pasta too
3) No, The planet on which we live is not called klaxk .. its called Earth
4) Of course I won't wind you giving me $1000
1.) PC or Mac? Both work, use what you are comfortable using and enjoy I own both.
2.) iMac or Macbook? Well if you are going MAC I'd go Macbook..
3.) What's the best PC editing software? The best is what you can afford and can use effectively I use (AVID, ADOBE Premiere, and Edius)
4.) What's the best Apple editing software?The best is what you can afford and can use effectively I use (AVID, ADOBE Premiere, Final Cut Pro, and Edius)
1.) PC or Mac? Both work, use what you are comfortable using and enjoy I own both.
2.) iMac or Macbook? Well if you are going MAC I'd go Macbook..
3.) What's the best PC editing software? The best is what you can afford and can use effectively I use (AVID, ADOBE Premiere, and Edius)
4.) What's the best Apple editing software?The best is what you can afford and can use effectively I use (AVID, ADOBE Premiere, Final Cut Pro, and Edius)

Pretty much man!

as for editing software i Use Sony Vegas not cause it's the best i honestly don't know what is..but i've been with the Sony Vegas family since 6 so i'm just comfortable with it! but it works great for me!
MacBook pro's are nearly as powerful and portable so I'd go with that. I also use Final Cut Pro X.. While it's not as powerful get's the job done for now.

Windows is cool too, though.

I'm on a macbook tho.
1.) PC or Mac? - For video editing I prefer to use a MAC.
2.) iMac or Macbook? - MacBook, due to its portability and the fact I can set it up in any quiet space and get on with my editing!
3.) What's the best PC editing software? - Not sure - dont use PC for editing.
4.) What's the best Apple editing software? - iMovie is great for basic videos, like vlogging etc. Anything that requires more advanced effects needs Final Cut Pro. I personally use Final Cut Pro X.