The Best Game To Ever Record...

Garrett Williams

YTTalk's Awesome Guy
If your looking for a horror game to record, well then do I know what you are looking for. The perfect horror game is Outlast. Now I know that many YouTubers have already done this game, but trust me, it is the most well-made horror game ever made. I sat down to record maybe 30 minutes, but little did I know that it was well past midnight when I finished it. The game had (depending on how well you do) easily 3 hours of horrifying gameplay. This was by far the best I have ever played, besides The Last Of Us... nobody can beat that. I myself have already posted a couple,*edited by staff* So that is what I have to say, check out the game, you will be peeking around every corner of your house for the next week. Have fun!:up2:
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