TGN or VouStudios


New Member
I recently was contacted by TGN and VouStudios wanting to partner with me I don't know which to choose. I'm already partnered with Freedom!. Please help me and tell me the Pros and Cons.
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I dont have direct experience as a partner with either but I wouldnt go with either, that is based on reviews here of TGN and Voustudios (which is under ScaleLab who got a reputation for mass spamming channels) rev share is 65/45 which to me is too low but that depends on if you are willing to part with that revenue for their features. There are better deals elsewhere at the moment. Ask yourself what you need from a network when going with one.
This may sound rude, but it doesn't sound like you know what networks do, or have any idea what you expect to gain from them. Your channel has no reason to be partnered.