Termination without Strike


My new channel which was 1 month old (and has only 5 videos uploaded) had been terminated without any strike or infringement notice. i am contacting the support asking for the precise reason, and always getting the same answer "We have decided to keep your account suspended based on our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service...." but, HOW CAN I KNOW WHAT I DID WRONG" ? so i don't repeat it in the future !
What was the channel about? What were the topics of the videos? Where did you get the content from?
I created a new crypto creating original content about crypto for beginners - how to earn free crypto etc...
I am suspicious about 2 issues that could be the reason for termination:
1- I have checked the option on each video "My video contains paid promotion like a product placement, sponsorship, or endorsement"
because i had affiliation links in my video details such as coinbase etc...
2. Instead of speaking i have written down my content "WHICH is TOTALLY ORINGINAL" not copied from anywhere , my own words , but used voice over text to speech Microsoft Dave and Microsoft Zira to generate the voice that i ORIGINALLY created myself.
Since they are not explaining the reason of the termination, i don't know which one could be.

I have just contacted the twitter team and they replied:
"It looks like your channel was suspended due to severe violations of our policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content. "

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My Channel "Good Morning Corgi Bailey" was terminated, I do not believe I purposely or maliciously tried to violate any of the Community Guidelines. I'm a small creator with 2500 subs, 450+ videos & 700,000 views, just sharing the love of my dog to my audience. These are things I feel may have triggered the algorithm to flag my account:

-About 2 weeks before my termination notice I was informed one of my old videos that a friend had made for me (5 yrs ago) was removed for the background music being copyrighted. I only use music supplied from YouTube when creating my videos.

-I tagged Justin Bieber/Bieber in my description since I used a song of his

-Titles for my videos all start with the same 3 words (Corgi Good Morning) and then a cute title following that - could the algorithm consider this spam?

- A video (June 5 "I Think I'm Catching Feelings") recently was added to someone's playlist in Greece and started getting hits - could they have misused my video and I'm being penalized for that?

- Recently I started using the "Share" button to forward videos to about 5-10 friends and neighbors who are not on YouTube or don't check it often. Since I upload a video almost every day could the algorithm believe I am spamming them?

-Comments - I respond to many with "Thanks for Watching" "Glad You Enjoyed" - could these be considered repetitive comments?

I have read the guidelines twice now from top to bottom and can't figure out what would have caused me to violate the terms. I am a recent widower and YouTube has helped me so much bring joy to myself and many of my subscribers in the 1 1/2 years creating videos. I would never try and abuse or misuse the platform in any way.
