Take Part! Get a Shout out! Challenge and Q&A Closing date friday 21st


Active Member
So I'm currently working on a video coming out in the following weeks!

I'm looking for challenges!
Anything at all ! im quite cheeky and don't have trouble with speaking / hugging random strangers in cities etc.. or food etc! you get the idea! Drop me a challenge with your channel name! I will give you a shout out within the video!

Q&A Seeing as i am also new to this site and would like to get to know all of you! BUT here is your chance to get to know a little bit more about me!

Each video i'm aiming from 10-15 mins long! But we shall see! so Send in your Challenges and your questions for me to answer!!! Closing date Shall we say Friday 21st? Giving me time Saturday Film,edit and get it out possibly sunday if not Monday!

Thanks guys!
Question: Is the mafia really a group of Honey Badgers in disguise? honey badgers are crazy and aggressive. They take on groups of lions and eat live cobras lol
Challenge: Dress up like a honey badger and act like you dont give a crap about anything in public places. like libraries, shopping centres, cinemas, parks etc

If you do give a shoutout to my channel please mention my Judith and Betty videos as we will be sticking with that genre for a long time now because we enjoy it so much lol
Question: What made you interested in making YouTube videos as a hobby/interest.

All the best for your channel man it's looking good.