T-Shirt ideas

Aezy Graphics

Liking YTtalk
So I want to start making T-shirts on spreadshirt or something because I need some money and it seems a lot of fun creating them. But I only just need some ideas. If you want me to design T-Shirts for your channel add me on skype so we could discuss it. Skype: Stastawars
Maybe you should google some random stuff or watch movies or such to gain some inspiration for some work, atleast that is what I do.
Since when is watching movies prohibited? I'm sure you have some DVD's/Blu-rays somewhere about interesting subjects to inspire your graphical work with it.
No I mean putting ideas from movies into t shirts is copyrigted. Like putting darth vader on a t shirt is copyrighted.[DOUBLEPOST=1380707508,1380707331][/DOUBLEPOST]
Since when is watching movies prohibited? I'm sure you have some DVD's/Blu-rays somewhere about interesting subjects to inspire your graphical work with it.
Btw are you Dutch, in your profile it says so. That means we could talk Dutch.
She means getting inspiration not copying them :)
Offtopic : I'm a GIRL, go wonder what the capital letters mean, roleplaying for the win :p

Ontopic: Yes, I meant inspiration, nothing is wrong with doing up some inspiration from other content as a matter of fact, this is done almost everywhere.

EDIT : I prefer to talk/type english over dutch, mainly due to the fact I kinda disgust the dutch language to be honest.
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I think what she means is, to mash up ideas from pop culture or take your own spin on them. Many big T Shirt companies buy those types of designs regularly - especially if they're clever.

I'd suggest checking out Teefury, WOOT.Shirt, qwertee, and Yetee to start. Many have contests and are constantly looking for submissions!