Suggestions for my YouTube Channel Name


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Hello everyone,
I want to ask you can you suggest me name for my channel because I think I need to change it thanks ! (I know my English I awful :D)
Something clever and original but still simple seems to be the way to go! Keeping it simple helps viewers remember your name. (I would stay away from numbers at the start/middle/end of your name as this just gets confusing) You want your name to be original as well so don't copy someone else's name try and come up with something completely unique!

Hope this helps a little bit!
Something clever and original but still simple seems to be the way to go! Keeping it simple helps viewers remember your name. (I would stay away from numbers at the start/middle/end of your name as this just gets confusing) You want your name to be original as well so don't copy someone else's name try and come up with something completely unique!

Hope this helps a little bit!
Thanks but can you suggest me some names you have on mind ?
Hmm, well I see you have the word Extreme in your name at the moment. So you could try and play around with that?

DrExtreme ?
MrExtreme ?
TheExtremist ?

I'm not the greatest with stuff like this, so I'm not sure if this is very helpful!
Hmm, well I see you have the word Extreme in your name at the moment. So you could try and play around with that?

DrExtreme ?
MrExtreme ?
TheExtremist ?

I'm not the greatest with stuff like this, so I'm not sure if this is very helpful!
I have a little question Extreemer162 is easy to remember right or not that easy ? :D
It is easy to remember, however i feel like having numbers in your name isn't necessary. And if you look at popular YouTuber's usually there names do not have numbers in them.
However this is just my opinion and your YouTube channel name should totally come down to what you think is good!
Can you suggest me something with gaming or i will be the first famous youtuber with numbers in his channel name ! :D
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