Suggest me some DD games!


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Tomorrow I'm going to start writing the script of my second Consospective, that will talk about Demolition Derby Games. The actual list is:
-Destruction Derby (PSX)
-Destruction Derby 2 (PSX)
-Destruction Derby RAW (PSX) (maybe I will add it)
-Destruction Derby 64 (N64)
-Destruction Derby Arena (PS2)
-Driven To Destruction (PS2)
-Flatout 2 (PC)
-Smash Up Derby (PC)

Does anybody have any other suggestion for Demolition Derby games to add?
I think you already have the best, but DiRT Showdown has some awesome Demolition modes.
I really like Flatout 2.
I have watched about Dirt Showdown, and it seems interesting. Though, on Steam the price is a bit too much, at least for my current financial status.
I may insert it, if I found a key at a decent price (10 euros approx)
I found a key for Dirt Showdown for 10 euros, I got it, and it will be mentioned in the video