

Active Member
Hello everyone!

I am new to this forum and to youtube, so hi to everyone!

Does someone of you knows if this 'Subscriberstrain' is legit/safe to use? It is supposed to be an automatic sub for sub website.

Also, are we allowed on this forum to ask for subs or sub for sub?

Thanks already!

- StienosUtube

Sub for Sub is always a bad idea -would you rather have 200 active subs, watching,liking,commenting? OR 500 subs who aren't active and don't watch?- and none of those websites that offer to increase subs or traffic to your Youtube channel are very good and can sometimes be in violation of Youtubes TOS. Better to be safe than sorry! :p
I'd say no, you don't want dead subs, and if you want to eventually get partnered it could reflect badly on you.

I think having 20-odd subs, with 1000 total views
is much better than having
900-odd subs and 1000 total views

Hmm okay, was just wondering and no I have never used bots or something.. I only have started some days ago actually!